What we do
360Score.me is a 360 degree review and company engagement survey system that empowers organizations to collect anonymous employee feedback.
Positive culture is a major facet of top performing companies and that creates the perfect environment for happy employees. Our tool not only gets their anonymous feedback, it takes it further by turning it into happy employee reviews on websites like Glassdoor.

Flexible, customized 360 reviews.
Schedule, customize and automate 360 reviews to suit your organization's unique needs.
360Score.me automates peer evaluations in all directions across your organization...from owners to entry-level employees and everyone in between. This enables every employee, regardless of level, to impact company culture, speak truth to power and identify company blindspots.
Collect meaningful feedback to drive a positive culture.
The closer you are to someone in the org chart, the more impact your score has on them.
Surveys are sent out to everyone who is connected. The impact of individual's scores to others is determined by the level of engagement them. Our 360 reviews are sensitive to the interactions and relationships in your organizations, but also allows you flexibility to adjust impact weightings to allow of all situations.
Feedback isn't just for performance evaluations and company engagement pulses. Positive culture deserves to be celebrated and acknowledged.
Our tool takes feedback further by generating reviews by and influence from workplace promoters and your top performers on employment review websites online, like Glassdoor, Indeed and more!

Share feedback across your organization with one click.
Forget spreadsheets, review templates, scanners and copy machines.
360 peer evaluations are collected in a single pane view for managers to review and approve. 360 reports are collated anonymously and can be shared with a single click to team members. The process is easy, flexible and customizable so managers can focus on meaningful discussions and coaching.
Take your culture to the next level.
Fuel transparency, acknowledgement and accountability with regular 360 reviews and company engagement.
It's not a surprise that teammates treat each other better in organizations that are intentional about measuring the impact and perception of those relationships. 360Score.me reveals performance and reputational experiences that are too often lost in traditional performance evaluations.

Why We Protect Anonymity
Individual responses are always completely anonymous. Supervisors only see aggregate scores and comments.
Supervisors will only see scores after at least 5 unique anonymous scores have been submitted for a specific team member. This ensures anonymity by shielding exposure of submission timing to supervisors/administrators.
We do not upsell access to identity. There is no premium subscription plan or dollar amount that companies can pay us to make the identity of our 360score.me users known. We are committed to securing a safe space through anonymity and our platform reflects that.
All comments made in company happiness and 360 Peer Evaluations, along with answers to additional questions are completely anonymous.
Protecting anonymity of 360 scores responses is our paramount concern. Research has shown that on average, if teammates participating in 360 evaluations know their identity will be revealed, scores are artificially inflated by approximately 5-10 points due to concerns of retaliation, blowback and/or as a result of coercion and collusion. Without the security of anonymity, 360 peer evaluations lead to inaccurate data or worse, result in a popularity contest.
Reputation inflation negates the power of honest feedback and the process of advised development is lost. Low performers end up being insufficiently differentiated from middling performers, leaving those who are truly your culture drivers and top performers in an organizational blind spot.

What can go Wrong
A word of advice: 360score.me can be the best thing ever for building a strong, honest, healthy team of high performers, however if you have a toxic culture our tool may not be the best fit for your organization.
Here is what can go wrong if you or your staff do not approach 360 Reviews with the optimal frame of mind:
Popularity contest
Brown nosing, kissing up
Fear of payback due to distrust of anonymity
Fluff answers due to distrust of anonymity
Unnecessary anxiety for top performers
Collusion, Payback, Bullying

What can go Right
The best employees should be recognized and rewarded, and those that provide organizational drag should not be able to hide in the shadows. In fact, those who are low to middle performers can benefit most from directed coaching and guidance as fueled by candid feedback.
That is why 360Score.Me is a game changer, because it scientifically aggregates and calculates an individual’s reputation from everyone they interact with and turns it into a quantifiable 360Score. This 360Score can then be used to reward, recognize or coach staff into developing into the best versions of themselves. Your reputation should be your wealth, however to improve your reputation you need to know what it is.
Being a workplace promotor, top-performing teammate is elevated and recognized
Celebrating excellence in performance, teamwork, core values
Culture of openness, honesty, accountability and acknowledgement
Positive reinforcement
Constructive criticism with an attitude toward continuous improvement
Necessary anxiety for low performers
Confidence in knowing where you stand, eliminate ambiguity
Establish regular interactions fueled by compassionate and radical candor